Logo Vet CentreCanine Castration
Why do I need to castrate?

The main reasons for performing surgical sterilisation (castration or neutering) of the male dog is to reduce unwanted behaviours such as aggression and sexual urges.

There are also many health benefits for the dog in having this procedure:

  • Reduces sexual urges – the interest in roaming is reduced by 90% in neutered dogs
  • This can consequently reduce the likelihood of being hit by car, contracting a contagious disease or being impounded by animal control
  • Eliminates aggressive behaviour towards other male dogs in 60% of neutered dogs
  • Eliminates urine marking in 50% of neutered dogs
  • Eliminates inappropriate mounting in 70% of neutered dogs
  • No unwanted puppies
  • Prevents infection and enlargement of the prostate gland – this is because higher testosterone levels in entire dogs predisposes the prostate gland to infection and causes enlargement with age.
  • Cancer of the testicles – castration removes any risk of testicular cancer.
  • This is particularly important for dogs with undescended testes as they have a higher risk of developing cancer and the testicles can also twist on their cords and cause life-threatening inflammation.
  • You will not be able to breed from your dog.

  • Will they become fat? Activity level and appetite do not change with neutering. It is a common fallacy that a de-sexed dog will become fat and lazy. Remember that service animals (Guide Dogs, Hearing Dogs and Dogs for the Disabled) are routinely desexed. Feeding a scientifically prepared diet without excessive tidbits should adequately control any problems of weight gain, just as it does in the entire animal.

  • Will they lose character? Often dogs will become gentler but they will lose neither their spirit, playfulness nor their intelligence.

When Is The Best Time to Neuter?

Our clinic recommends neutering male dogs at 6 months of age, prior to puberty. However it can be done later in life if needed.
If you are wanting to neuter for behavioural benefits it is best to do this prior to puberty as once a hormone-triggered behaviour has continued long enough, you can be dealing with a firmly entrenched habit that will not fade even after neutering
All animals should be fully vaccinated prior to surgery.

What Happens When a Male Dog Is Neutered?

As the operation is performed under general anaesthetic it is important that no food is given from 7pm the night before the surgery, and no water is to be given from 7am the morning of surgery.

On the Day
  • Patients will be presented at the clinic for surgery admission between 8-8.30am

  • A pre-operative evaluation is performed

  • Blood work is recommended for older patients and may be recommended as a normal pre-anaesthetic consideration.

  • A sedative will be given under the skin to ease the induction of anaesthesia and provide pain relief

  • A small patch of hair will be shaved off one of the patient’s legs so that a medication may be given intravenously to induce sleep.

  • Once asleep a tube is placed down the throat to ensure that a clear airway is maintained throughout the procedure.

  • The tube is connected up to an anaesthetic machine that delivers a specific concentration of anaesthetic gas mixed with 100% oxygen to maintain anaesthesia.

  • In the surgical prep area the scrotal area is shaved and scrubbed, the patient is then moved through to the surgical theatre where sterile surgical drapes are placed over the patient to isolate the area where the surgery will take place

  • An incision is made just forward of the scrotum, then both testicles are removed through this incision, the cords tied off and cut. Sutures are used to close the wound

  • A trained, qualified nurse will monitor the patient’s depth of anaesthesia, membrane colour, heart rate, respiration, blood pressure and oxygen levels in the blood throughout the surgery.

  • At the end of the surgery another Injectable pain relief will be given which will last 24hrs.

  • The veterinary nurse will remain monitoring the patient until fully recovered and they will be kept in an observation room until able to walk.

  • The patient will be able to go home the same afternoon.

What to Expect at Home
  • All patients whom have been neutered at The Vet Centre will be provided with post-op pain relief, either in the form of chewable tablets or liquid drops, to go home with.

  • Most neuter patients go home the same day as if nothing happened, some nausea may occur in the first couple of days after surgery, and it would not be unusual for the dog to refuse food for a day or two after surgery.

  • Sometimes a cough is noted after surgery; this may have been caused by the tube in the throat and should only last for a couple of days.

  • Patients who lick at their stitches will need an Elizabethan or “E” collar to restrict access to their stitches.

  • The scrotum is often slightly swollen in the first few days after surgery. If the dog is immature at the time of neutering, the empty sack will flatten out as he grows. If mature at the time of neutering the empty scrotum may remain as a flap of skin.

  • Activity should be restricted during the week following surgery as excessive activity can lead to unnecessary and prolonged swelling or fluid accumulation under the incision.

Skin stitches are removed 10-14 days after the surgery, this service is provided free of charge and it is important to make an appointment with one of our veterinary nurses for this so that they may check the wound has healed well.

E-Book Canine Castration

Please contact us if you require any further information or if you would like to make an appointment to see one of our vets.